I was trying to get my hair done, before I go back to work, so I set an appointment, for today, Friday, January 8th, 2021, for 2.45 pm.
Most of the Spas, Gyms , Restaurants and Salons were out of Business, a few were moonlighting or open to a select few clients. This Pandemic was clearing out, Cities, towns and businesses like a plaque, destroying anything and everything it touched, It even synched the ones which got close. Due to this , no massages or even relaxation, only work out would be mother’s working from homes, chasing their kids inside the dwellings. Despite this downturn in economic depression, folks are loosing jobs and lubing on unemployment bank cards. The rate if homeless citizens are increasing by a whopping ten percent, permitting avenues of Homeless encampment springing up all over Various States and major cities. Overnight folks were loosing their livelihood and lives due to the 2020 COVAD Pandemic.
Deaths are occurring, and infection rates have sky rocket since Thanksgiving, and does not seem to be going down. Hospitals are bombarded with emergencies and a drastic decrease in beds , while employee trying to cheer up folks wears an air suction outfit to work, thus spreading the infection to doctors and nurses , who ate already in shortage causing medical facilities to be spread thin and in dire need for medical staff.
Great news on the Horizon, vaccines are here and God be wiling , we will be back to normal come Spring, but only God can predict. Meanwhile, my plea to everyone, lets take precautions and use the masks, sanitizers and social distancing and together be a team of success. Lets promote Love and liberty, great decision and concentration, respect and togetherness in times of trouble
Our goal for the new decade, lets have Moxie and enter the new year with camaraderie and Gusto. Any Takers? Lets Kill it. We can do anything or all ONLY if we believe and know The eminent power cones from within , since God is in all of us,
And it takes All of Us to stand tall and wither the change.
By BloggerJee, Dated January 9th, 2021