Spinach A Healthy vegetable or Just Grass?
Spinach is a leafy vegetable similar to that the likes of Kale. It’s rich in nutrients and Chlorophyll. Its probably one of the lowest calorie vegetable, apart from cucumber. spinach’s use has been diversified in the years of it’s existence and we can still find new and exotic use of this luscious grass. Its used extensively in salads Wraps, Pizza and dip to name a few.
Listed Below is my infamous home made Spinach Dip Recipe with the Cost
1. OZ bag of frozen Spinach, Or I prefer a 24 Oz Of Fresh Spinach, ( thoroughly washed in warm water)since it shrinks when you slightly sautéed or warm it, but if used cold, blend in blender and use 16 OZ in the place of 24 OZ $3 ( Frozen) $5 Fresh
2. 1 OZ packet of Knors Vegetable seasoning( Preferred , any grocery store) $2
3.1 8 OZ can of sliced water Chestnuts $ 1
4. 1 8 OZ jar of All Natural Mayo, or only use Sour cream$2
5. 1 8 OZ of 100% Sour Cream $2
6. 2 diced Thai chilies $0.10
7.1 teaspoon of crushed black pepper $0.20
8.1 cup diced green onions $1.10
9. 1 tablespoon of salt, Preferably pink Himalayan salt $.10
total price: $8.50
1. Slice Chestnut, Onions and chili, put it in a bowl
2.In a deep dish preferably 12 OZ place the grated washed spinach, add all wet ingredients, sour cream, mayo.
3. Add the Knors seasoning to the dish
4. Add Chili, sliced Chestnut and Green onions to the dish and mix well
5. lastly add the salt and the black Pepper per taste.
6. Cover with saran-wrap and chill in Refrigerator for 1 hour
Serve: A Total Of 5-7 People
Serve with Sourdough Bread Pieces, Multi Grain crackers, carrot & Celery Sticks( My Fave),
Enjoy, and Share , I would love your comments:
Post by BloggerJee dated 8/12/18